Selamat malam…
Halooo, pada postingan kali ini saya akan memposting
tentang beberapa link tentang ERP, Odoo, Modul Odoo. Kali ini saya mendapatkan
modulo doo mengenai “warehouse”.
Langsung aja yh, berikut beberapa link yang saya kutip
dari beberapa sumber..
1. Tentang
ERP singkatan dari 3
elemen kata yaitu, Enterprise (perusahaan/organisasi), Resource (sumber daya),
Planning (perencanaan), 3 kata ini mencerminkan sebuah konsep yang berujung
kepada kata kerja, yaitu “planning” yang berarti bahwa ERP menekankan kepada
aspek perecanaan.
ERP adalah sebuah system
informasi perusahaan yang dirancang untuk mengkoordinasikan semua sumber daya,
informasi dan aktifitas yang diperlukan untuk proses bisnis lengkap. Sistem
ERP didasarkan pada database pada umumnya dan rancangan perangkat
lunak modular.ERP merupakan software yang mengintegrasikan semua
departemen dan fungsi suatu perusahaan ke dalam satu system ystemr yang dapat
melayani semua kebutuhan perusahaan, baik dari departemen penjualan, HRD,
produksi atau keuangan.
Syarat terpenting dari
ystem ERP adalah Integrasi. Integrasi yang dimaksud adalah menggabungkan
berbagai kebutuhan pada satu software dalam satu logical database, sehingga
memudahkan semua departemen berbagi informasi dan berkomunikasi. Database yang
ada dapat mengijinkan setiap departemen dalam perusahaan untuk menyimpan dan
mengambil informasi secara real-time. Informasi tersebut harus dapat dipercaya,
dapat diakses dan mudah disebarluaskan. Rancangan perangkat lunak modular harus
berarti bahwa sebuah bisnis dapat memilih modul-modul yang diperlukan,
dikombinasikan dan disesuaikan dari vendor yang berbeda, dan dapat menambahkan
modul baru untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja bisnis.
Terdapat juga tujuan dan peranannya dalam organisasi,konsep dasar erp,tahapan evolusi erp,integrasi erp dalam organisasi,modul erp,implementasi erp,kelebihan
erp & kelemahan erp.
b. Untuk
link dalam negri (LN) saya mengutip dari
ERP is an Enterprise
software is considered to be a type of enterprise application,
that is software designed to be used by larger businesses and often requires
dedicated teams to customize and analyze the data and to handle upgrades and
deployment. In contrast, Small business ERP applications are lightweight business
management software solutions, often customized for a specific business
industry or vertical.
RP Software Modules
software typically consists of multiple enterprise software modules that are individually
purchased, based on what best meets the specific needs and technical
capabilities of the organization. Each ERP module is focused on one area of
business processes, such as product development or marketing.
Enterprise ERP Trends
ERP field can be slow to change, but the last couple of years have unleashed
forces which are fundamentally shifting the entire area. The following new and
continuing trends affect enterprise ERP software:
1. Mobile
and employees want real-time access to information, regardless of where they
are. It is expected that businesses will embrace mobile ERP for the reports,
dashboards and to conduct key business processes.
2. Cloud
cloud has been advancing steadily into the enterprise for some time, but many
ERP users have been reluctant to place data cloud. Those reservations have
gradually been evaporating, however, as the advantages of the cloud become
Social ERP
There has been
much hype around social media and how important —or not — it is
to add to ERP systems. Certainly, vendors have been quick to seize the
initiative, adding social media packages to their ERP systems with much
fanfare. But some wonder if there is really much gain to be had by integrating
social media with ERP.
Two-tier ERP
Enterprises once
attempted to build an all-encompassing ERP system to take care of every aspect
of organizational systems. But some expensive failures have gradually brought
about a change in strategy – adopting two tiers of ERP.
ERP Vendors
Depending on your organization's size and needs
there are a number of enterprise resource planning software vendors to choose
from in the large enterprise, mid-market and the small business ERP market.
Gartner's annual market share reports put SAP, Oracle, Sage, Microsoft and
NetSuite among the top vendors, but Capterra's data suggests that SAP and
Oracle are easily the biggest two, with Epicor, Infor and Microsoft on their
heels in a shifting line-up. The top small business ERP vendors includes names
like NetSuite, Exact Max, Epicor and Syspro.
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